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Whakatuu tuakana whakakohe, whakamana a taiohi

Enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of taiohi/young people

Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawkes Bay aims to ignite youth potential in Hawkes Bay through an active, sustainable and resilient volunteer mentorship programme embedded in local communities.

Volunteer mentors help form strong positive relationships with young people that express care, challenge growth, share power, and expand possibilities.  The programme has been running internationally since 1904 - and it works.

It is the largest and most replicated programme in the world. It was established in New Zealand in 1996. Since 2017, Big Brothers Big Sisters Hawke’s Bay has matched over 160 taiohi/young people with a mentor. As a result, they have experienced improved relationship skills, social awareness, increased self-confidence, hope and optimism about the future.

Employer Supported Volunteering

We're proud to be part of a community where so many people want to help. Partner businesses will release their employees during the workday so the employees can spend time mentoring our young people. We have two mentoring programmes running, and employees can fit into whichever one suits their work schedule:

School-Based Mentoring operates for one hour per week during school hours. Mentors spend time with young people on school grounds. 

Community-Based Mentoring operates in the weekday afternoons or on weekends. Mentors spend time with young people on outings in and around our community. 

Find out about how this programme works and the benefits here.

Match Sponsorship

Our successful Match Sponsorship programme began in 2021 and has helped many young people within our community.

We need business support to increase the number of Big Brother Big Sister mentor matches in our community, so we can continue to ignite potential in youth.

Successful partnerships are important to us, not only between mentee and mentor, but also with our sponsors. When you sign a Sponsorship partnership, we will work with you to provide maximum benefits for your company.  

We would love to talk with you about Sponsorship.

Find out how Match Sponsorship works and the benefits here.


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